Why You Should Do Business with
GuardDog Surveillance Systems
We're Better than all the rest
RECORDING EQUIPMENT (DVR'S/NVR’S) – For many years, GuardDog Surveillance Systems’ built D/NVR’s that accepted Analog, HD and IP (or MegaPixel IP) cameras. The economic value and technical superiority of IP technology has evolved to the point where we no longer feel it appropriate to build new installations using Analog or any of the wide variety of digital technologies that transmit their video via coaxial cable.
We are firmly committed to the service aspect of our business and as such we will continue to support analog as well as coaxial transmitted digital products.
FREE SOFTWARE UPGRADES – If a new version of software has a feature that your application may benefit from we’ll let you know about it. If you choose to upgrade the software you’ll only pay for our on-site service time – the software is FREE!
5-YEAR STORAGE HARD DRIVE WARRANTY – The single most problematic component in ANY DVR/NVR (PC-Based or Stand-Alone) is storage hard drives. GuardDog Surveillance Systems warrants EVERY STORAGE HARD DRIVE for FIVE (5) YEARS! Generally speaking you’ll be fortunate to get 1-yr from most others.
STORAGE CAPACITY – For your benefit, compare carefully the video storage capacity specifications of our systems vs. whomever you choose to put us up against. 9 of 10 times we’ll be providing more.
VIDEO STORAGE SYSTEM DESIGN - virtually 10 of 10 times the way we configure our system is superior to our competition. Since HD’s have the highest component failure history (compared to any other component) we physically separate the Operating System HD function from the Storage HD function. If a storage HD fails the rest of your operating system and Recorder software will remain unharmed and “the fix” will be a simple storage HD replacement – saving you cost as well as aggravation.
UPGRADES - If, at any time in the future, you have a need to upgrade your system, since we built the machine we are able to provide hardware and/or software upgrades that will allow your system to maintain its "state of the art" functionality, (not just today but well into the future). Additionally, we'll be able to perform this service for a fraction of the cost of new - which, by the way, is the only recommendation that all others in our marketplace have as their only option. Also, GSS has the ability to (if the system down-time is of any consequence) install a “loaner” DVR.
INTEGRATION WITH OTHERS SYSTEMS TOO – GuardDog DVR adds value in many ways - integration of our equipment with yours (machines, "Integrated Scale and Video System", other weighing system software, etc.) is just another reason why it makes perfect sense to make GSS your video supplier partner of choice.
CAMERAS – All but a select few CCTV cameras are manufactured overseas and those that are built domestically provide little if any quality benefit (vs. their overseas competitors) and they’re on the order of 3-4 times the cost of those produced in other countries.
We have long since stopped fighting that war – the market is what it is. Instead, we've adopted a policy that we only provide cameras that have first passed our strict evaluation standards.
We have a very simple philosophy about cameras – Regardless of how much one invests in recording equipment; the DVR can never record better images than the cameras deliver. Don’t ever skimp on camera quality!
MAINTENANCE AGREEMENTS – GuardDog Surveillance Systems does not offer a "standard maintenance agreement" because every customer and every installation is different. We have come to recognize that in certain circumstances a Maintenance Contract may be beneficial so IF there is VALUE in creating a Maintenance Agreement we'll be pleased to do so.
When we deem it appropriate, we will consult you however, if we do not, by all means bring it up to us – we are more than amicable to discuss the VALUE BENEFIT of a Maintenance Agreement in your application!
GuardDog Surveillance Systems provides a very comprehensive and also VERY UNIQUE Optimization Guarantee – which we provide FREE OF CHARGE!
We well understand that to get the greatest Return on Your Investment (ROI), you’re going to need to learn how to use your system… we promise BEFORE YOU INVESTMENT one cent… we’ll be there (30 days later and again 90 days after) to make sure that you’re completely comfortable operating your equipment. And… oh by the way… since you’ve had time to really look things over and as long as we’re here… if you’d like any of the cameras adjusted or refocused – that's part of – our FREE – Optimization Guarantee!
MONITORING SERVICES – Many of the big-name system providers really hit their customers hard with added (reoccurring forever) VIDEO monitoring service fees. GuardDog Surveillance Systems doesn’t even offer this service. It’s not that we couldn’t – we absolutely could and would, like many of our competitors, make some money doing virtually nothing.
UNINTERRUPTIBLE POWER SUPPLIES (UPS) – It may be a rather subtle inclusion in our proposals but we (unless our customer already has an adequately sized unit) include a UPS that is sized to power both the DVR and the Cameras. Sure it makes our proposal more expensive but it also provides GREATER VALUE. In the event of a power outage (caused inadvertently by nature or perhaps intentionally by an intruder) without a UPS, there will be no video record.
PROPOSAL DEVELOPMENT – We visit your site, ask a lot of questions, LISTEN CAREFULLY and then design a system, document that design with complete, to-scale drawings (with proposed camera fields of view and sometime example pictures included), complete specifications, pricing and terms.
While others often provide a price – site unseen – we understand the VALUE of doing a little extra. If you were in our position – doing what we do – very likely, you too would realize that choosing to "do a little extra" is the best way to be!
PROFESSIONAL INSTALLATION – At GuardDog Surveillance Systems, we have a simple philosophy about all that we do… "If it’s worth doing, it’s worth doing right." While others may let their wiring rest on the top-side of your drop ceiling we understand that sometimes this practice can lead to lousy video or damaged (usually by others) wiring and therefore no video at all.
Sure we invest a little extra to neatly bundle our video wire (not along with other systems) and we may take a little extra time tying off and making the terminations at the DVR end look nice. Usually it pays off in better video and a simpler installation to understand and therefore service – but even if it doesn’t we feel better about doing the job well. Perhaps it’s NOT ALWAYS about the customer… is it?
AS-BUILT DOCUMENTATION – Since we began installing video security professionally in 2005 we’ve provided “AS BUILT” documentation for every system we’ve ever installed. We believe its part of a job well done and secondly, it sure makes any future additions and/or service work a whole lot easier to understand.
We are firmly committed to the service aspect of our business and as such we will continue to support analog as well as coaxial transmitted digital products.
FREE SOFTWARE UPGRADES – If a new version of software has a feature that your application may benefit from we’ll let you know about it. If you choose to upgrade the software you’ll only pay for our on-site service time – the software is FREE!
5-YEAR STORAGE HARD DRIVE WARRANTY – The single most problematic component in ANY DVR/NVR (PC-Based or Stand-Alone) is storage hard drives. GuardDog Surveillance Systems warrants EVERY STORAGE HARD DRIVE for FIVE (5) YEARS! Generally speaking you’ll be fortunate to get 1-yr from most others.
STORAGE CAPACITY – For your benefit, compare carefully the video storage capacity specifications of our systems vs. whomever you choose to put us up against. 9 of 10 times we’ll be providing more.
VIDEO STORAGE SYSTEM DESIGN - virtually 10 of 10 times the way we configure our system is superior to our competition. Since HD’s have the highest component failure history (compared to any other component) we physically separate the Operating System HD function from the Storage HD function. If a storage HD fails the rest of your operating system and Recorder software will remain unharmed and “the fix” will be a simple storage HD replacement – saving you cost as well as aggravation.
UPGRADES - If, at any time in the future, you have a need to upgrade your system, since we built the machine we are able to provide hardware and/or software upgrades that will allow your system to maintain its "state of the art" functionality, (not just today but well into the future). Additionally, we'll be able to perform this service for a fraction of the cost of new - which, by the way, is the only recommendation that all others in our marketplace have as their only option. Also, GSS has the ability to (if the system down-time is of any consequence) install a “loaner” DVR.
INTEGRATION WITH OTHERS SYSTEMS TOO – GuardDog DVR adds value in many ways - integration of our equipment with yours (machines, "Integrated Scale and Video System", other weighing system software, etc.) is just another reason why it makes perfect sense to make GSS your video supplier partner of choice.
CAMERAS – All but a select few CCTV cameras are manufactured overseas and those that are built domestically provide little if any quality benefit (vs. their overseas competitors) and they’re on the order of 3-4 times the cost of those produced in other countries.
We have long since stopped fighting that war – the market is what it is. Instead, we've adopted a policy that we only provide cameras that have first passed our strict evaluation standards.
We have a very simple philosophy about cameras – Regardless of how much one invests in recording equipment; the DVR can never record better images than the cameras deliver. Don’t ever skimp on camera quality!
MAINTENANCE AGREEMENTS – GuardDog Surveillance Systems does not offer a "standard maintenance agreement" because every customer and every installation is different. We have come to recognize that in certain circumstances a Maintenance Contract may be beneficial so IF there is VALUE in creating a Maintenance Agreement we'll be pleased to do so.
When we deem it appropriate, we will consult you however, if we do not, by all means bring it up to us – we are more than amicable to discuss the VALUE BENEFIT of a Maintenance Agreement in your application!
GuardDog Surveillance Systems provides a very comprehensive and also VERY UNIQUE Optimization Guarantee – which we provide FREE OF CHARGE!
We well understand that to get the greatest Return on Your Investment (ROI), you’re going to need to learn how to use your system… we promise BEFORE YOU INVESTMENT one cent… we’ll be there (30 days later and again 90 days after) to make sure that you’re completely comfortable operating your equipment. And… oh by the way… since you’ve had time to really look things over and as long as we’re here… if you’d like any of the cameras adjusted or refocused – that's part of – our FREE – Optimization Guarantee!
MONITORING SERVICES – Many of the big-name system providers really hit their customers hard with added (reoccurring forever) VIDEO monitoring service fees. GuardDog Surveillance Systems doesn’t even offer this service. It’s not that we couldn’t – we absolutely could and would, like many of our competitors, make some money doing virtually nothing.
UNINTERRUPTIBLE POWER SUPPLIES (UPS) – It may be a rather subtle inclusion in our proposals but we (unless our customer already has an adequately sized unit) include a UPS that is sized to power both the DVR and the Cameras. Sure it makes our proposal more expensive but it also provides GREATER VALUE. In the event of a power outage (caused inadvertently by nature or perhaps intentionally by an intruder) without a UPS, there will be no video record.
PROPOSAL DEVELOPMENT – We visit your site, ask a lot of questions, LISTEN CAREFULLY and then design a system, document that design with complete, to-scale drawings (with proposed camera fields of view and sometime example pictures included), complete specifications, pricing and terms.
While others often provide a price – site unseen – we understand the VALUE of doing a little extra. If you were in our position – doing what we do – very likely, you too would realize that choosing to "do a little extra" is the best way to be!
PROFESSIONAL INSTALLATION – At GuardDog Surveillance Systems, we have a simple philosophy about all that we do… "If it’s worth doing, it’s worth doing right." While others may let their wiring rest on the top-side of your drop ceiling we understand that sometimes this practice can lead to lousy video or damaged (usually by others) wiring and therefore no video at all.
Sure we invest a little extra to neatly bundle our video wire (not along with other systems) and we may take a little extra time tying off and making the terminations at the DVR end look nice. Usually it pays off in better video and a simpler installation to understand and therefore service – but even if it doesn’t we feel better about doing the job well. Perhaps it’s NOT ALWAYS about the customer… is it?
AS-BUILT DOCUMENTATION – Since we began installing video security professionally in 2005 we’ve provided “AS BUILT” documentation for every system we’ve ever installed. We believe its part of a job well done and secondly, it sure makes any future additions and/or service work a whole lot easier to understand.

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(920) 342-0703