IP Camera - Benefits
When IP cameras were first introduced to the marketplace they solved a number of technical limitations that plagued analog products. IP technology provided a number of benefits that improved video security system designs.
IP technology also provided analog suppliers a much needed competitive kick in the butt. Competition from IP providers forced analog equipment builders improve their products or be left in the dust of marketplace perception their products had seen their better days.
Typically, IP cameras provide...
... Simpler means to add cameras to a video system (scalability)
... The opportunity for designers to "migrate" camera data much
longer distances (via IT networks or the Internet) without
degradation of video quality
... The ability to remotely store (off-site) video history
... Integrated Audio
... Flexible Infrastructure Choices (existing network, virtual
networks, fiber, etc.)
... Integrated Input/Output Control and PTZ
... Secure Communication
IP technology also provided analog suppliers a much needed competitive kick in the butt. Competition from IP providers forced analog equipment builders improve their products or be left in the dust of marketplace perception their products had seen their better days.
Typically, IP cameras provide...
... Simpler means to add cameras to a video system (scalability)
... The opportunity for designers to "migrate" camera data much
longer distances (via IT networks or the Internet) without
degradation of video quality
... The ability to remotely store (off-site) video history
... Integrated Audio
... Flexible Infrastructure Choices (existing network, virtual
networks, fiber, etc.)
... Integrated Input/Output Control and PTZ
... Secure Communication
IP Technology Generates its Share of Problems...
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